Six Seasons Teacher Resources


Menang Aboriginal owners recognise six different seasons. There are subtle variations that signal the transition from one season to another- changes in the weather, which plants are in flower, and which bush foods are abundant.


This knowledge of nature is fundamental to the culture of Wagyl Kaip and its people. Menang people have lived with the changing landscape for tens of thousands of years, adapting and using the land for food, shelter and general well-being.


These Six Seasons Teacher Resources have been developed at Flinders Park PS for you to access and complement your teaching programs when incorporating the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework.


Wording Six Seasons Explained
Noongar People Noongar Land
Noongar Dictionary
Cultural Heritage Field Guide
Menang and their land -1 Green Island
Menang & their land 2 Rainbow serpent & Manypeaks

Noongar Seasons
Kinjarling Heritage Survey
Noongar History of Strawberry Hill