At Flinders Park we conduct specialist art lessons for all year levels. Students are encouraged from a young age to take pride in their artwork and to develop art making skills.
At the start of the year students make their own art journals which are used for planning designs and testing ideas.
Threading and sewing is practiced regularly to promote and strengthen fine motor skills and to prepare for weaving projects in the upper primary classes.
A variety of mixed media techniques are learnt and revisited in different projects. Organic or Earth Art plays an important part in the Visual Arts Curriculum, enabling students to be outdoors and in natural environments. Sculptural techniques are tested during natural play and then adapted in formal tasks.
Cross curricular themed art projects embed understandings learnt in other subject areas. Indigenous artwork and culture, stories of the past, science, maths, literacy and health are all included and explored from a visual arts perspective.
The visual arts are valued, students are encouraged to share arts ideas, artworks and designs are compared and appreciated.
Flinders Park students' artwork is made for specific purposes and is viewed by the wider community. We offer all of our students opportunities to take their creativity beyond the classroom, bringing their artworks to collaborative art projects within the school, Open Night, showcases at the Albany Town Library, and Community Arts events and exhibitions, such as the Southern Art and Craft Trail.
Individual excellence and talent is stimulated by encouraging our students to enter competitions such as the Banners on the Terrace, YOH Fest, IFAP Safety Award and Therapy Focus Illustration Competition. Short lunchtime art courses are offered to develop specific talents and interests.
Artist in Residence incursions and student visits to exhibitions touring Albany are promoted and widen the boundaries of student’s creativity.
Collaborative art projects are undertaken reinforcing the Flinders Student values.