School Nurse

The school community nurse provides:


  • Assessments of vision, hearing, growth and development, with parent consent, for all children at school entry (kindy and pre-primary).
  • Hearing, vision and growth assessments from Kindy to Year 6 on parent/teacher request.
  • Health information
  • Referral to other services and health professionals as needed
  • Assistance to staff and parents with school health care plans for their child
  • Training of school staff in health management and first aid
  • Health promotion information
  • Class based programs (e.g. Growth and development year 6).
  • Enuresis (bedwetting) program

If you would like to discuss any of the above or access the service please see the school office staff for a referral form (to be completed by the parent) or ring the number below.


Kate Carter

Child Health Nurse

WA Country Health Service Great Southern

Wednesday and Thursday on 9842 7567